
Prepared by Ivan Batistić

Section Aims

  • This document describes the solids4foam utilities located in applications/utilities;
  • Utilities are executables that provide various pre and post-processing functionalities;
  • These solids4foam utilities provide functionalities not available in the standard OpenFOAM utilities (OpenFOAM-wiki).


  • Utility purpose Mesh converter: converts Abaqus mesh (in *.inp format) into the FOAM mesh format.
    Currently, this utility only supports 3-D hexahedral cells/elements. Details regarding the FOAM mesh format can be found, for example, here.
    Note that each distribution of OpenFOAM comes with a set of mesh converters (but not for Abaqus), see the available one here.

  • Arguments

    • <mesh.inp> name of the Abaqus mesh file.
  • Options/parameters


  • Example of usage

    $ abaqusMeshToFoam mesh.inp
    • Only the following Abaqus element types are supported: C3D8 and C3D8R.
    • Only the first PART is used and the rest are ignored.
    • Node sets, element sets and surfaces are not converted.


  • Utility purpose For a chosen patch, find the closest face to the specified location and separate it into a new patch.
    The utility can be used, for example, to create patches for specifying point loads.

  • Arguments

    • <currentPatchName> chosen patch name;
    • <newTinyPatchName> name of the one-face patch to be created;
    • "(x y z)" location vector.
  • Options/parameters


  • Example of usage

    $ addTinyPatch Top TopNew "(30 30 0)"
addTinyPatch: top patch before and after adding one-face patch

When using addTinyPatch the original mesh is overwritten!


  • Utility purpose Mesh converter: converts FOAM mesh into Abaqus mesh (*.inp format). Currently, this utility only supports 3-D hexahedral cells/elements.

  • Arguments


  • Options/parameters


  • Example of usage

    $ foamMeshToAbaqus

    Converted mesh is written to theabaqusMesh.inp file.
    Creates a node set and and element set and a surface for each boundary patch.
    Also creates a element set for each material in the materials file (if it is exists).

    • Only works for hexahedral cells as yet.
    • Created for Abaqus-6.9-2, but should work for new versions too.


  • Utility purpose
    Add a random perturbation to each interior mesh point. Boundary points are not perturbed, except for in-plane motion on empty and wedge patches.
    The utility can be used to create a distorted mesh to test the behavior (accuracy, order of accuracy, stability, etc.) of a discretisation procedure.

  • Arguments

  • Options/parameters


  • Dictionary
    Inputs are defined in dictionary named perturbMeshPointsDict and located in system directory:

    seed        1;
    scaleFactor (5e-3 5e-3 5e-3);
    Gaussian    no;
    • seed is a scalar value used for the random number generator;
    • scaleFactor is a scaling vector which scales the point perturbation in each direction separately;
    • Gaussian enforces Gaussian distribution when perturbing points, otherwise uniform distribution is expected. Only used in combination with OpenFOAM.com.
  • Example of usage

    $ perturbMeshPoints

    The figure below shows mesh before and after using perturbMeshPoints utility.

perturbMeshPoints: mesh before and after point perturbation

Perturbed mesh (polyMesh) is stored in the 0 directory and needs to be moved to constant before running the simulation!


For 2-D simulations, there is no need to perturb points in the empty direction. For an empty direction, zero scaling should be used, e.g.:
scaleFactor (5e-3 5e-3 0);


  • Utility purpose Splits a patch into two patches by putting faces in the given bounding box in a new patch.

  • Arguments None

  • Options/parameters

    -overwrite overwrite the original mesh when storing mesh after patch splitting.

  • Dictionary
    patchToSplitName    Top;
    newPatchName        TopNew;
        (0 0 0.01) (1 1 1)
    • patchToSplitName is a name of the patch to be split;
    • newPatchNameis the name of the splitted patch part;
    • boundBoxes is list of bounding boxes; each defined with two vectors: (xmin ymin zmin) and (xmax ymax zmax). Boundary patch faces inside this bounding box will be put in a new patch.
      Note: The face's centre point is tested to see if it is inside the bounding boxes!
  • Example of usage

    $ splitPatch
    splitPatch: top patch before and after split

    The mesh with the new patch is stored in a new time-step directory (1 for example) and should be moved to the constant before running the simulation. Alternatively, the -overwrite option can be used to overwrite the original mesh.